Tag Archives: friend

Aperture nervous for your interview

I took my buddy for a job interview at a camera store the other day.

Before he walked in he knew I’d have a joke lined up, and said “I know you, please don’t give me any of your ridiculous puns , like, be sure to frame your subjects, focus on the details, or it’ll be over in a flash…”

So I punched him in the face, and said: “That bruise should develop in about an hour and if you interrupt my jokes again, well, you get the picture..”

Sexy girl in langerie for post about beer

What a Real Woman Does

Sexy girl in langerie for post about beerA real woman is a man’s best friend.

She will never stand him up and never let him down.

She will reassure him when he feels insecure and comfort him after a bad day.

She will inspire him to do things he never though he could, to live without fear and regret.

She will enable him to express his deepest emotions and give in to his most intimate desires.

She will make sure he always feels as though he’s the most handsome man in the room.

She will enable him to be the most confidant, sexy, seductive, and invincible…

No wait… Sorry… I’m thinking of beer… That’s what beer does.